Nessuna Attivit� Recente

1 Messaggi dei Visitatori

  1. trung t�m ti?ng anh th�nh l?p c�ng ty s? ?i?n tho?i t? v?n lu?t w nhac san cuc manh hu Nh�n tr? n�n tr?ng b?ch, ?�i m?t xinh ??p nh�n ch?m ch?m H�n t�n:
    - Kh�ng ng? ??u l� ??i c?c ph? th�n ng??i b�y ra!

    Kh�nh H?u mu?n n?m ???c qu?n An T�y, nh?ng b?i v� s? c?n tr? c?a binh ?o�n Kh?ng Phi, l?i c?ng th�m g?n m?t tr?m ng�n qu�n Y?n ? Ng?y ?� th�nh, ?� ???c ngh? ng?i v� h?i ph?c, s?c chi?n ??u m?nh m? h?n, ?i?u n�y l�m cho n�ng nh?t ??nh ph?i c?n th?n t�nh to�n k? ho?ch chi?n l??c m?i th�nh.

    H?n n?a Kh�nh H?u v� c�ng hi?u r� m?t ??o l�, n?u qu�n Kh�nh th?t s? b?t ??u ti?n v? ph�a T�y, nh? v?y s? ch? xem n?u nh? tuy�n chi?n v?i n??c Y?n, v?a m?i l� li�n qu�n ?�nh Ng?y
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Dati Personali di Julius Saintz

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There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship, smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves.
Your lips move but I can't hear
what you're saying.
When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons.
Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain you would not understand
This is not how I am.
I have become comfortably numb.


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Messaggi dei Visitatori
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Messaggio Pi� Recente
09-12-2015 05:02
Informazioni Generali
Ultima Attivit�
13-01-2007 14:05
Data Registrazione