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Discussione: get shpongled!

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  1. #1

    get shpongled!

    Thats right... you can believe your eyes, its not a prank. The venue is booked, the deposit is down. Its happening. Preparations are already underway for Shpongle's first full LIVE performance in the UK which will be showcasing not only the old material played by a 7 piece band but also some of the new material that will be making up Shpongle's 4th Album. Its been talked about for 10 years, but now its happening. Its in the Roundhouse in London. It will be a concert type affair, not an all night party. We will soon begin selling tickets to this event. Standby for more information, put the date in your diary. You do NOT want to miss this. It will be an audio visual experience to tell your grandchildren about.


    shpongle in concerto

    (lo posto qui e non in musica perch

  2. #2
    Opinionista L'avatar di diss
    Data Registrazione
    eh magari! sarà indimenticabile dal vivo
    [B][FONT="Book Antiqua"]...Aduna il passato, aduna il futuro: entrambi sono in te! Fino ad oggi sei stato lo schiavo del dentro. Impara ad esserne il padrone. Questa

  3. #3
    a Londra non è comodissimo? Come ti organizzi unino?

  4. #4
    ryanair (ancora da prenotare)e, alloggio bho il più economico possibile, sto su lo stretto indispensabile dato che ho l'uni a ottobre.. tipo 31/10-2/11 o al max 30/10-2/11

    e ieri sera ho scoperto che il primo novembre sempre a londra suonano i tangerine dream

    venerdì shpongle e sabato tangerine dream

    non potete mancare

  5. #5
    Opinionista L'avatar di FSOL
    Data Registrazione
    Papua New Guinea

    We are like a wasted generation, taking whatever can loosen up. I've been that stage so I know it can't help you to excape from this world. It just makes you become addictive and asking for more. Soon you'd be depressed and lifeless. But life goes on, we got to face it unless you're dead. Welcome to reality.

  6. #6
    Opinionista L'avatar di diss
    Data Registrazione
    magari un pensiero ce lo faccio...
    [B][FONT="Book Antiqua"]...Aduna il passato, aduna il futuro: entrambi sono in te! Fino ad oggi sei stato lo schiavo del dentro. Impara ad esserne il padrone. Questa

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