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Discussione: Il Gioco Dei Se Fossi...

  1. #11101
    Opinionista L'avatar di momoxx
    Data Registrazione
    sarei da scoprire.

    se fossi una valanga?

  2. #11102
    Seppellirei chi va a divertirsi perchè io non posso farlo.

    Se fossi un timore?

  3. #11103
    di perdere qualcuno di importante

    se fossi un cristallo?
    <<Life can't be infinite, Only pain is eternal >>

    <<I wonder if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs.
    Maybe there was a glitch in my brain.>>

    You aren't weak...but you have weaknesses.
    I know I'm one of them...

  4. #11104
    Di quelli che usano le veggenti.

    Se fossi un modem?

  5. #11105
    scassato e che non funziona con vista =.=;;

    se fossi una linea telefonica?
    <<Life can't be infinite, Only pain is eternal >>

    <<I wonder if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs.
    Maybe there was a glitch in my brain.>>

    You aren't weak...but you have weaknesses.
    I know I'm one of them...

  6. #11106

    Se fossi la scena di un'omicidio?

  7. #11107
    un'appartamento pulito e ordinato,
    la vittima stesa sul divano,
    una ferita da arma da taglio all'addome e un candido vestito da sposa impregnato di sangue sul petto

    se fossi un telefilm?
    <<Life can't be infinite, Only pain is eternal >>

    <<I wonder if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs.
    Maybe there was a glitch in my brain.>>

    You aren't weak...but you have weaknesses.
    I know I'm one of them...

  8. #11108

    Se fossi un dubbio?

  9. #11109
    sul mio futuro

    se fossi sharon stone?
    <<Life can't be infinite, Only pain is eternal >>

    <<I wonder if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs.
    Maybe there was a glitch in my brain.>>

    You aren't weak...but you have weaknesses.
    I know I'm one of them...

  10. #11110
    Terrei le gambe chiuse.

    Se fossi una cornice?

  11. #11111
    dipinta a mano e che racchiude la foto della mia gatta

    se fossi un armadio?
    <<Life can't be infinite, Only pain is eternal >>

    <<I wonder if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs.
    Maybe there was a glitch in my brain.>>

    You aren't weak...but you have weaknesses.
    I know I'm one of them...

  12. #11112
    Quello di Narnia.

    Se fossi un tasto?

  13. #11113
    quello della &#249; vicino al tasto invio che si mette sempre in mezzo quando non dovrebbe

    se fossi un file?
    <<Life can't be infinite, Only pain is eternal >>

    <<I wonder if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs.
    Maybe there was a glitch in my brain.>>

    You aren't weak...but you have weaknesses.
    I know I'm one of them...

  14. #11114

    Se fossi un piatto?

  15. #11115
    Sognatrice rompiballe... L'avatar di francesca89
    Data Registrazione
    In un mondo tutto mio...
    Linguine allo scoglio....
    se fossi una nota musicale?
    [B][COLOR="Magenta"]L'uomo si adatta a tutto. Supera dolori, chiude storie, ricomincia, dimentica, finisce perfino per annacquare grandi passioni. Ma a volte basta un niente per capire che quella porta non

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