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Discussione: Cosa fare?

  1. #1
    Opinionista L'avatar di Goren
    Data Registrazione

    Cosa fare?

    Come molti di voi sapranno, io abito negli USA, in virginia. Chi non lo sapeva, ora lo sa

    Praticamente qualche giorno fa mi arriva una lettera molto strana, che ora riporto (copio tutto a mano -_-):

    Dear Arthur:


    In honor of your exemplary academic record, leadership potential and commitment to a future in the computer and information technology field, it is my pleasure to inform you that you have been nominated as a Delegate to teh National Youith Leadership Forum on Technology to be held in SIlicon Valley, California from June 27 - July 6, 2005.

    As you may know, several students from Maury High School have attended programs hosted by the National Youth Leadership Forum, an extraordinary organization that inspires our nation's most promising young people to pursue their professional career goals. These outstanding students are now part of our distinguished alumni.

    This summer you will join other exceptional students - young men and women who share your dreams and determination - for an extraordinary time of discovery and mentorship. You will study with and learrn from some of the most distinguished leaders in the technology industry today; men and women whose vision, dedication and creativity have brought them to the pinnacle of their professions.

    You will be welcomed by some of our country's most advanced and innovative computer, information technology and Internet companies.
    These organizations will host workshops, labs and content-rich concentrations that provide you with an unprecedented opportunity to explore state-of-the-art technology in detail.

    During ten days of in-depth examinations and first-hand experiences in a challenging environment, you will gain the advantage of a valuable head start toward achieving your dreams of success.

    You will make lasting friendships with future colleagues at this educational, inspirational and motivational Forum on Technology and view the wolrd of computers, the Internet and information technology from a new perspective. Most importantly you will acquire practical experience that will enhance your ability to make the very best decisions about your future career.

    By accepting your nomination, you will be one of the selct group of high school students chosen to participate in a once-in-a-lifetime experience, distinguishing you as one of the nation's outstanding young technology leaders of tomorrow.

    Enclosed is detailed information regarding your participation.
    Please discuss this opportunity and the enclosed materials with your family. You may enroll online at www.nylf.org/tech, or return your enrollment application in the envelope provided.

    Once again, congratulations! I look forward to meeting you personally this summer.

    Marguerite C. Regan, Ph.D.
    Director of Curriculum

    Ora.. mi fanno male le braccia.
    Che pensate? Cosa devo fare? Non mi sono mai candidato a fare qualcosa del genere, quindi qualcuno mi ha proposto..
    E' una cazzata? Cosa fare?

    Boh, pero' siate seri plz.

  2. #2
    Hermione Granger L'avatar di pia
    Data Registrazione
    nel nulla dell' ∞...
    Boh intanto io verificherei se
    Faccialibro aNobii
    [FONT=Times New Roman]
    Nulla si crea,nulla si distrugge,tutto si trasforma.

    Quando smetterai di voler riempire la tua coppa della Felicit

  3. #3
    preso L'avatar di mariomac
    Data Registrazione
    Il nulla
    infatti.....magari informati presso qualche organizzazione statale.....anche se non so cosa c'
    Moderatore How To
    Moderatore Scuola e lavoro

    [COLOR="DarkRed"][I]"Frank... d

  4. #4
    Banned L'avatar di |Daniele|
    Data Registrazione
    ma che c'

  5. #5
    Narciso... L'avatar di Anemos
    Data Registrazione
    Spiccando il volo
    informati, meglio appurare..
    [COLOR="DarkOrange"][SIZE="3"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B][CENTER]La pi

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