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Discussione: [Gioko] Hai Mai...?

  1. #5926
    Si,ma poi sbagliavo a dubitare.

    Hai mai preso in giro qualcuno involontariamente?

  2. #5927
    si è capitato,e mi son pentita. spesso parlo senza prima riflettere

    hai mai preso in giro qualcuno solo per pura cattiveria e desiserio di metterlo in ridicolo?
    <<Life can't be infinite, Only pain is eternal >>

    <<I wonder if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs.
    Maybe there was a glitch in my brain.>>

    You aren't weak...but you have weaknesses.
    I know I'm one of them...

  3. #5928
    Io non sono cos&#236; buona.

    Hai mai partecipato ad una competizione?

  4. #5929
    si ma non ho mai vinto

    hai mai tradito un'amica per amore?
    <<Life can't be infinite, Only pain is eternal >>

    <<I wonder if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs.
    Maybe there was a glitch in my brain.>>

    You aren't weak...but you have weaknesses.
    I know I'm one of them...

  5. #5930
    Pi&#249; che tradita l'ho abbandonata.
    Errore che non ripeter&#242; pi&#249;,l'amore non vale quanto l'amicizia.

    Hai mai inventato una parola?

  6. #5931
    a volte mi capita

    hai mai utilizzato qualcuno solo per raggiungere i tuoi scopi?
    <<Life can't be infinite, Only pain is eternal >>

    <<I wonder if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs.
    Maybe there was a glitch in my brain.>>

    You aren't weak...but you have weaknesses.
    I know I'm one of them...

  7. #5932

    Hai mai sperato che qualcuno morisse?

  8. #5933
    si, nei momenti di rabbia si, ma non credo che sia la cosa peggiore che si possa augurare

    hai mai pensato di aver ferito qualcuno tanto da non meritare il suo perdono?
    <<Life can't be infinite, Only pain is eternal >>

    <<I wonder if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs.
    Maybe there was a glitch in my brain.>>

    You aren't weak...but you have weaknesses.
    I know I'm one of them...

  9. #5934
    Io non merito mai perdono.

    Hai mai disossato un'animale?

  10. #5935
    no... di solito quando lo facevano fare a scuola io me la davo sempre a gambe

    hai mai cantato una canzone a squarciagola senza conoscerne le parole?
    <<Life can't be infinite, Only pain is eternal >>

    <<I wonder if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs.
    Maybe there was a glitch in my brain.>>

    You aren't weak...but you have weaknesses.
    I know I'm one of them...

  11. #5936
    La maggior parte delle canzoni giapponesi o tedesche che ascolto.

    Hai mai riso in faccia ad un'impiegato della posta?

  12. #5937
    no di solito quando vado in posta ridere &#232; l'ultima cosa che mi vien voglia di fare, soprattutto dopo che hai fatto una fila di 3 ore e quando arriva il tuo turno ti dicono che quella cosa non la possono fare e di riprovare un'altro giorno o alla posta di un paese vicino. mavaff...

    hai mai lanciato una scarpa a un'impiegato della posta?
    <<Life can't be infinite, Only pain is eternal >>

    <<I wonder if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs.
    Maybe there was a glitch in my brain.>>

    You aren't weak...but you have weaknesses.
    I know I'm one of them...

  13. #5938

    Hai mai guardato un film ritrovandoti completamente nel protagonosta?

  14. #5939

    hai mai abbandonato qualcuno in difficolt&#224;?
    <<Life can't be infinite, Only pain is eternal >>

    <<I wonder if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs.
    Maybe there was a glitch in my brain.>>

    You aren't weak...but you have weaknesses.
    I know I'm one of them...

  15. #5940
    Mi &#232; capitato.

    Hai mai aiutato qualcuno in difficolt&#224; ricevendo un ringraziamento?

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