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Discussione: Our English Lab

  1. #76
    Opinionista L'avatar di follemente
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    Al mare
    Many interesting thoughts and tips, Jerda!

    I think that some other languages, as German or Slovenian, are less musical and melodious than Italian.

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Jerda Visualizza Messaggio
    Good morning!
    One for all, I'd like to visit New Zealand. It's a hell of a faraway place to visit, but it must be really gorgeous with its mix of different landscapes and the mountains overlooking the sea. I've always been attracted by cold places, so I guess it's more because of the mountain, than the seaside. Other places would be Canada or some other nothern place. I do enjoy sunny places, but if I went there, I would be in the shadow or in water most of the time, since I do not stand hot weather: my hands are always boiling hot, any degree beyond 22-23 degrees makes any further more and more of a torture. Also, a blinding strong light makes me scowl all the time and not enjoy the atmosphere. As an example that anyone can acknowledge: visiting a city is not optimal with strong light, since this burns the colours, prevents watching beautiful views. This applies to anywhere for me, so even natural places with short vegetation made mainly by bushes will not intrigue me for more than a morning, unless there is some shadowy angle, some high vegetation. Having a shadowy area makes me stand any area, unless my trip mates do not try to drag me to the sun. "He, Massimo, come over here! It's beautiful, it's so hot here, we are sunbathing. Come on paley! "Yeah yeha, wait for me, I'm coming, sure enough"
    Another funny aspect is, if we are two and are sitting outside a bar, we need to find a table where my fellow travelers can sit at the sun and I in the shadow. I'll never understand those who can eat in complete sunlight, when it's summer strong light of course. Apart from that, I go and hopefully will go again to the beach, but not all places are right for me if there is not a local shadow to enjoy during the hottest hous of the day.

    You're very interested in studying English. The reasons that bring people to study or improve English can be very diverse, each of them has a mentally set goal level. What level of skill are you ideally aiming to? Would you stop once reaching it or would you go on, even if the main purpose has been achieved?

    I would like to improve my English because I have many new friends and relatives in Europe and they speak a good English. I like also reading the English authors in original language. It’ more difficult for me to watch films in this language, also with subtitles, and especially if it’s American English.
    I aim to level C1 and after I’ll see, I still don’t know if then I am going to continue.

    Have you ever acted in a film or play? What was it and what part did you play? Did you get stage fright?

  2. #77
    No Excuses L'avatar di Jerda
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    Yes, but only once, not considering school plays. It was in Bacchereto, nice village near my house in Carmignano. We were a group of guys who liked to act and paid a director (a local one, not a big name, only theater) but made just one play. I don't even remember what it was about, excet that it took place in Tuscany in the 19th Century and we were a family of farmers. I brought a poem of mine once, the director liked it and made a part where i read it, in a scene in front of the fireplace. End of the stor... play

    If you could be born again, would you choose to be a woman, or would you be curios what being a man it's like?
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BiO-dEiStA Visualizza Messaggio
    Questa sì che è vita, altro che la marea di boiate pseudoscientifiche con cui una mandria di dilettanti pagati a peso d'oro continua a riempirci la testa e a mandare a puttane il paese.
    Ben ritrovati.

  3. #78
    Opinionista L'avatar di follemente
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    Al mare
    In all my life I wanted to be a man: many thinghs wouldn't have happen to me, if I had been a man, especially in the relationship with the other sex.

    And you? Have you ever wanted to be a woman?

  4. #79
    No Excuses L'avatar di Jerda
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    Yes, sure, I'd like to be a woman when reborn; I'm curios how it must be. Watching things from another angle, enjoying other kind of thrills, understanding their reaction as an insider... I actually think I have already a good relationship with my feminine side

    I always have envied you for attending so many theatrical plays and shows; would you tell me about a recent one that got you excited or moved?
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BiO-dEiStA Visualizza Messaggio
    Questa sì che è vita, altro che la marea di boiate pseudoscientifiche con cui una mandria di dilettanti pagati a peso d'oro continua a riempirci la testa e a mandare a puttane il paese.
    Ben ritrovati.

  5. #80
    No Excuses L'avatar di Jerda
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    Subjunctif (English "Congiuntivo")

    Like other languages, English has what we call Congiuntivo. It's a not-so-common verb form, but not at all as rare as we can imagine.
    The "snag" is that it's rather "invisible" to the ear when used, except with the verb to be, when it can be easily spotted.

    It is used, as in Italian, with verbs that imply anticipation, or a wish, imagining/guessing, or a suggestion: advise, guess, order, imagine, think, believe, wish and so on.

    It is formed with the infinitive form of a verb without the particle to. Let's see some examples:

    - It's necessary that she eat a lot of fruits and vegetables

    - I'd never have imagined him be so confident

    - They need him quit drinking or he will get fired

    It couldn't be easier to learn actually: For any verb, the present simple is formed avoiding to add the -s with the third singular person; with the verb be it's.

    I be
    you be
    he/she/it be
    we be
    you be
    they be.

    In case of past subjunctif, it is used were, for all persons.

    Using it is as easy as a perfect way to use English appropriately and be positively noticed by native speaker, who usually anticipate its non-use by a foreigner and would not correct it. As ever, the problem is not being corrected
    More examples can be found searching with google, but it's really that simple
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BiO-dEiStA Visualizza Messaggio
    Questa sì che è vita, altro che la marea di boiate pseudoscientifiche con cui una mandria di dilettanti pagati a peso d'oro continua a riempirci la testa e a mandare a puttane il paese.
    Ben ritrovati.

  6. #81
    No Excuses L'avatar di Jerda
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    sorry, the third example above is not correct in the context:

    They need that he quit drinking.
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BiO-dEiStA Visualizza Messaggio
    Questa sì che è vita, altro che la marea di boiate pseudoscientifiche con cui una mandria di dilettanti pagati a peso d'oro continua a riempirci la testa e a mandare a puttane il paese.
    Ben ritrovati.

  7. #82
    Opinionista L'avatar di follemente
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    Al mare
    It seems diffcult, Jerda!

    This afternoon I'll answer you.

  8. #83
    Opinionista L'avatar di follemente
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Jerda Visualizza Messaggio
    Yes, sure, I'd like to be a woman when reborn; I'm curios how it must be. Watching things from another angle, enjoying other kind of thrills, understanding their reaction as an insider... I actually think I have already a good relationship with my feminine side

    I always have envied you for attending so many theatrical plays and shows; would you tell me about a recent one that got you excited or moved?
    Prose theater

    Salome by Oscar Wilde

    A piece very rarely represented in prose (in fact Wilde's work almost exclusively is appreciated in the famous lyrical version set to music by Richard Strauss): the story is that of the prophet Iokanaan that Herod Antipas keeps locked up in a cistern, worried by his prophecies and his convictions. During a banquet offered by Herod and his wife Herodias, the beautiful princess Salome decides to kiss the prophet, who instead rejects her with disdain. In exchange for a seductive dance, the woman gets the head of Iokanaan from Herod on a silver tray, in order to finally kiss her lips.

    In the production, the director De Fusco focused mainly on Salome's obsession with Iokaan, while the transition from drama to irony, from eroticism to grotesque was only grasped at times.

    The proof of Eros Pagni in the role of Herod was superb, less convincing that of Gaia Aprea who impersonated an almost icy Salome, despite her unlimited insane passion.

    The scenography was superb, almost minimilast but dominated by a huge looming moon, whose pallor evoked the beauty of Salome and where the prophecies of Iokanaan were projected.

    I absolutely have to pick up Wilde's text, it literally stunned me.

    What's one of the best films you've seen recently? Why did you like it so much?

  9. #84
    No Excuses L'avatar di Jerda
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    You sound really enthusiastic!
    There must be a world behind theater of which I'm totally unaware of.. I also love Wilde, but I really don't know much about his plays and theater in general. I'd really like to fill this gap, maybe with someone to introduce me in this world.

    Films? I actually do not see a lot of films, especially I'm not really updated about what's new. Recently I started watching Some movies by two directors named Ron Fricke and Godfrey Reggio. They are actually documentary films, not mainstream but absolutely astonishing and well-known in indepedent cinema. They show wonderful views of the world with a gorgeous photography, mixed with scenes from the industrial reality, the life of people around the world... they are really amazing, sometimes rough but amazingly shown.

    Do you easily get bored by something that you desired for long, when you eventually have it? Can you make an example, wether the answer is yes or no?
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BiO-dEiStA Visualizza Messaggio
    Questa sì che è vita, altro che la marea di boiate pseudoscientifiche con cui una mandria di dilettanti pagati a peso d'oro continua a riempirci la testa e a mandare a puttane il paese.
    Ben ritrovati.

  10. #85
    No Excuses L'avatar di Jerda
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    Inkhorn Terms

    Following the incipit about French contamination, it is easily noticeable that for lots of English words there is a corresponding Latin-rooted synonym word: Freedom/Liberty, hue/colour (or color), follow/ensue and so on.

    Such Latin words are called Inkhorn Terms from the name of old inkwells that were once made from a horn. There has been an everlasting debate on them ever since year 1066, sometimes called One-thousand-fuckin'66 by some

    The use of Latin-origin words, though not common in informal situation, is often preferred when speaking in formal situations. So, it's common to hear "I'm obliged to" or "ponderate" instead of thoughful and so on in such occasions.
    Such words sound very heavy and coy, so a lot of intellectuals and researchers have always pressed to limit them when possible.

    This has brought some crazy people to create a new language, so-called Anglish, which in a mild and reasonable form just prefers Anglo-Saxon words whenever possible, to a totally invented language that avoids purposefully any latinism in English, using words that were used centuries ago in order to avoid contamination, and even made-up word starting from 1066 imagining how the words would have been if the conquer of England had never happened

    Well, it can be nice to read something the like if you are a really English enthusiast, in order to understand better Anglo-Saxon structures in English, but beware of exaggerations in real life

    For any further insight on the topic, see
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BiO-dEiStA Visualizza Messaggio
    Questa sì che è vita, altro che la marea di boiate pseudoscientifiche con cui una mandria di dilettanti pagati a peso d'oro continua a riempirci la testa e a mandare a puttane il paese.
    Ben ritrovati.

  11. #86
    Opinionista L'avatar di follemente
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    Al mare
    Very interesting, Jerda!

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Jerda Visualizza Messaggio
    You sound really enthusiastic!
    There must be a world behind theater of which I'm totally unaware of.. I also love Wilde, but I really don't know much about his plays and theater in general. I'd really like to fill this gap, maybe with someone to introduce me in this world.

    Films? I actually do not see a lot of films, especially I'm not really updated about what's new. Recently I started watching Some movies by two directors named Ron Fricke and Godfrey Reggio. They are actually documentary films, not mainstream but absolutely astonishing and well-known in indepedent cinema. They show wonderful views of the world with a gorgeous photography, mixed with scenes from the industrial reality, the life of people around the world... they are really amazing, sometimes rough but amazingly shown.

    Do you easily get bored by something that you desired for long, when you eventually have it? Can you make an example, wether the answer is yes or no?

    I am very fickle for passing wishes, but not for the important things in life that I have achieved with much perseverance: in other words, I have rarely questioned my marriage and never the affection in the education of my children or the love for my job.

    But for other things I am hit and miss, also because I invest a lot of my emotion, perhaps too much, at the beginning. Just to give an example, now in quarantine I have published several things on Fb; at the beginning I was there to see and check with transport how many and who liked my posts, while now I don't care about at all. Or, sometimes I invited new people to dinner and I felt very busy, as if I had invited the queen, and a few days later I didn't care anymore.

    But to tell you the truth, it wouldn't matter now if my husband would be unfaithful, whereas in the past I wouldn't have accepted it.

    And you?

  12. #87
    Opinionista L'avatar di Tiberio
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da follemente Visualizza Messaggio
    In all my life I wanted to be a man: many thinghs wouldn't have happen to me, if I had been a man, especially in the relationship with the other sex.

    And you? Have you ever wanted to be a woman?
    Yes, in love it's more easy
    "Addio", disse la volpe. "Ecco il mio segreto. È molto semplice: non si vede bene che col cuore. L’essenziale è invisibile agli occhi".

  13. #88
    No Excuses L'avatar di Jerda
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da follemente Visualizza Messaggio
    Very interesting, Jerda!

    I am very fickle for passing wishes, but not for the important things in life that I have achieved with much perseverance: in other words, I have rarely questioned my marriage and never the affection in the education of my children or the love for my job.

    But for other things I am hit and miss, also because I invest a lot of my emotion, perhaps too much, at the beginning. Just to give an example, now in quarantine I have published several things on Fb; at the beginning I was there to see and check with transport how many and who liked my posts, while now I don't care about at all. Or, sometimes I invited new people to dinner and I felt very busy, as if I had invited the queen, and a few days later I didn't care anymore.

    But to tell you the truth, it wouldn't matter now if my husband would be unfaithful, whereas in the past I wouldn't have accepted it.

    And you?
    It happens to me too, my expectations are rarely met, once I get what I want. Wether it is something bad or good I never actually feel bad or good as I imagined.

    Brand new laptop, desired for long, I went to the shop to buy it and brought it home. Immensely useful in this moment, but I'm not jumping for joy as I may have thought, nor for bad news that I thought would have brought me nuts: in the aftermath it is always I can handle, even if what's bad is bad...
    Recently I tend to pass from one achievement or fail to another frequently, but I'm always planning something next, so I barely feel arrived or totally disappointed: I'm just doing something else.

    How do you keep yourself up-to-date with what happens in the world? Are you used to buy physical newspaper, do you follow the online version of them? Do you start with google news and go where the click brings you, or do you mainly get the news from the tv?
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BiO-dEiStA Visualizza Messaggio
    Questa sì che è vita, altro che la marea di boiate pseudoscientifiche con cui una mandria di dilettanti pagati a peso d'oro continua a riempirci la testa e a mandare a puttane il paese.
    Ben ritrovati.

  14. #89
    Opinionista L'avatar di follemente
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    Al mare
    I keep myself up-to-date reading every morning the newspapers on-line: I have four subscriptions, to Primoski dnevnik, Il Piccolo, La Repubblica and New York Times. I read only the news I am interested in, not all. Once a day I get the news from tv, Rai3 and the local Rai3, sometimes La7. I like very much the Lilly Gruber’s program Otto e mezzo, but I don’t listen to it every day.
    Sometimes some friends suggest me other news on Youtube or other newspapers: I read it, but I’m very critical. I don't believe in conspiracy theories.

    And you? How do you keep yourself up-to-date?

  15. #90
    No Excuses L'avatar di Jerda
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    I usually make searches from news, picked everywhere, and go to the original sources, when available. I do not believe in classic press, being aware how interested everyone of them is to conceal parts of the truth or the truth at all, when not so heavily modified to make readers believe what it is preferable.
    If there were such a distinction, non-conspiracy mainstrem press, and conspiracy videos on youtube, then classic press should agree, which does not happen, whereas I consider yotube, facebook and internet just empty boxes, that are often filled with conspiracy or partial information just like the normal press, but that can well be filled with truth, if someone wants to put it in; that the average reader must know a lot to understand which sources are good in a 99% of sources ignorant or partial as hell.

    Have you ever drunk way too much to lose self-control? Did it happen in your teenagehood as typical, or has it happened more recently, maybe at private parties, when alcohol is free and this happens more easily, if you ever have?
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BiO-dEiStA Visualizza Messaggio
    Questa sì che è vita, altro che la marea di boiate pseudoscientifiche con cui una mandria di dilettanti pagati a peso d'oro continua a riempirci la testa e a mandare a puttane il paese.
    Ben ritrovati.

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