This is one of the same old considerations about death.
Today I was told that a teacher is my school,whose son is also a friend of mine,has died yesterday because of a lungs cancer.What's shocking is that until saturday she was ok,she was aware of her disease but she was ok.on monday we heard that she was forced to go to the hospital because of an abnormal fever,and they found out that the carcer was getting really worse.On wednesday we were told that her situation couldn't change,and she now was in coma.Yesterday,thursday,she died.
She was one of those really really rare cases in which when u start chemotherapy u make the situation worse.
One week ago she didn't know she had to die,none of us knew it.

Things like this happens almost every day,I know,but when it comes to you,or to someone who's close to you,it's always shocking,and u don't know what to think or how to react.I can't say I'm sad,cos she wasn't even my teacher,and her son isn't a close friend of mine,but...I don't know,it just makes u consider how life can be weird,sometimes nice sometimes cruel.And I keep on thinking how easy is to die nowadays