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Discussione: Colpo di testO - Ovvero la musica in parole

  1. #16
    Data Registrazione
    in un buco che si chiama Pasiano di Pordenone
    E' possibile mettere le litanie del vino?

    Beh chi se ne frega, io le metto comunque...appena le trovo

    Oh scusate, ma questo tipo di canzoni sono le sole che per il momento possono andarmi bene
    "Se voi per

  2. #17
    Narciso... L'avatar di Anemos
    Data Registrazione
    Spiccando il volo
    [QUOTE=alwaysintrouble]Stupenda grandiosa e chi piu ne ha piu ne metta. "November rain" dei Guns secondo me
    [COLOR="DarkOrange"][SIZE="3"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B][CENTER]La pi

  3. #18
    Data Registrazione
    Friuli (prov.di PN)
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Anemos
    When I look into your eyes
    I can see a love restrained
    But darlin' when I hold you
    Don't you know I feel the same
    'Cause nothin' lasts forever
    And we both know hearts can change
    And it's hard to hold a candle
    In the cold November rain

    We've been through this such a long long time
    Just tryin' to kill the pain

    But lovers always come and lovers always go
    An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
    Walking away

    If we could take the time to lay it on the line
    I could rest my head just knowin' that you were mine
    All mine
    So if you want to love me then darlin' don't refrain
    Or I'll just end up walkin' in the cold November rain

    Do you need some time... on your own
    Do you need some time... all alone
    Everybody needs some time... on their own
    Don't you know you need some time... all alone

    I know it's hard to keep an open heart
    When even friends seem out to harm you
    But if you could heal a broken heart
    Wouldn't time be out to charm you

    Sometimes I need some time... on my own
    Sometimes I need some time... all alone
    Everybody needs some time... on their own
    Don't you know you need some time... all alone

    And when your fears subside and shadows still remain, oh yeah
    I know that you can love me when there's no one left to blame
    So never mind the darkness we still can find a way
    'Cause nothin' lasts forever even cold November rain

    You're not the only one
    You're not the only one
    Don't ya think that you need somebody
    Don't ya think that you need someone
    Everybody needs somebody
    You're not the only one
    You're not the only one

    Don't ya think that you need somebody
    Don't ya think that you need someone
    Everybody needs somebody
    You're not the only one
    You're not the only one

    Don't ya think that you need somebody
    Don't ya think that you need someone
    Everybody needs somebody
    You're not the only one
    You're not the only one

    Don't ya think that you need somebody
    Don't ya think that you need someone
    Everybody needs somebody

    Chi non la conosce merita solo un ^^
    wow!!!!!!november rain dei guns
    [SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Blue]Vorrei qualcosa che non avesse bisogno di forme, n

  4. #19
    Data Registrazione
    Friuli (prov.di PN)
    vi consiglio d ascoltare "cose semplici e banali"degli afterhours.secondo me il testo
    [SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Blue]Vorrei qualcosa che non avesse bisogno di forme, n

  5. #20
    [CENTER]Fabrizio De Andr

  6. #21
    Data Registrazione
    Friuli (prov.di PN)
    bellissima!!!!!!!!! il testamento d tito
    [SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Blue]Vorrei qualcosa che non avesse bisogno di forme, n

  7. #22
    I run these tracks L'avatar di thorpe
    Data Registrazione
    de andr
    "Well, it's a dog eat dog. Eat cat too. The French eat frog and I eat you"

  8. #23
    oıɹɐɔıʌ uıɯpɐ L'avatar di Grey Fox
    Data Registrazione
    Something takes a part of me.
    Something lost and never seen.
    Everytime I start to believe,
    Something's raped and taken from me... from me.

    Life's got to always be messing with me. (You wanna see the light)
    Can't they chill and let me be free? (So do I)
    Can't I take away all this pain. (You wanna see the light)
    I try to every night, all in vain... in vain.

    Sometimes I cannot take this place.
    Sometimes it's my life I can't taste.
    Sometimes I cannot feel my face.
    You'll never see me fall from grace

    Something takes a part of me.
    You and I were meant to be.
    A cheap fuck for me to lay
    Something takes a part of me.

    Feeling like a freak on a leash. (You wanna see the light)
    Feeling like I have no release. (So do I)
    How many times have I felt diseased? (You wanna see the light)
    Nothing in my life is free... is free
    Admin vicario

    [size=1]non esisto pi

  9. #24
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Grey Fox
    Something takes a part of me.
    Something lost and never seen.
    Everytime I start to believe,
    Something's raped and taken from me... from me.

    Life's got to always be messing with me. (You wanna see the light)
    Can't they chill and let me be free? (So do I)
    Can't I take away all this pain. (You wanna see the light)
    I try to every night, all in vain... in vain.

    Sometimes I cannot take this place.
    Sometimes it's my life I can't taste.
    Sometimes I cannot feel my face.
    You'll never see me fall from grace

    Something takes a part of me.
    You and I were meant to be.
    A cheap fuck for me to lay
    Something takes a part of me.

    Feeling like a freak on a leash. (You wanna see the light)
    Feeling like I have no release. (So do I)
    How many times have I felt diseased? (You wanna see the light)
    Nothing in my life is free... is free

  10. #25
    oıɹɐɔıʌ uıɯpɐ L'avatar di Grey Fox
    Data Registrazione
    Freak on a Leash
    Admin vicario

    [size=1]non esisto pi

  11. #26

  12. #27
    oıɹɐɔıʌ uıɯpɐ L'avatar di Grey Fox
    Data Registrazione
    Admin vicario

    [size=1]non esisto pi

  13. #28
    Bravo Thorpe come dimenticare Guccini?

    [CENTER]Francesco Guccini
    La Locomotiva

    Non so che viso avesse, neppure come si chiamava,
    con che voce parlasse, con quale voce poi cantava,
    quanti anni avesse visto allora, di che colore i suoi capelli,
    ma nella fantasia ho l'immagine sua:
    gli eroi son tutti giovani e belli,
    gli eroi son tutti giovani e belli,
    gli eroi son tutti giovani e belli...

    Conosco invece l'epoca dei fatti, qual' era il suo mestiere:
    i primi anni del secolo, macchinista, ferroviere,
    i tempi in cui si cominciava la guerra santa dei pezzenti
    sembrava il treno anch' esso un mito di progresso
    lanciato sopra i continenti,
    lanciato sopra i continenti,
    lanciato sopra i continenti...

    E la locomotiva sembrava fosse un mostro strano
    che l'uomo dominava con il pensiero e con la mano:
    ruggendo si lasciava indietro distanze che sembravano infinite,
    sembrava avesse dentro un potere tremendo,
    la stessa forza della dinamite,
    la stessa forza della dinamite,
    la stessa forza della dinamite..

    Ma un' altra grande forza spiegava allora le sue ali,
    parole che dicevano "gli uomini son tutti uguali"
    e contro ai re e ai tiranni scoppiava nella via
    la bomba proletaria e illuminava l' aria
    la fiaccola dell' anarchia,
    la fiaccola dell' anarchia,
    la fiaccola dell' anarchia...

    Un treno tutti i giorni passava per la sua stazione,
    un treno di lusso, lontana destinazione:
    vedeva gente riverita, pensava a quei velluti, agli ori,
    pensava al magro giorno della sua gente attorno,
    pensava un treno pieno di signori,
    pensava un treno pieno di signori,
    pensava un treno pieno di signori...

    Non so che cosa accadde, perch
    Ultima modifica di silent.dreamer; 23-01-2005 alle 16:48

  14. #29
    E tu

  15. #30
    I run these tracks L'avatar di thorpe
    Data Registrazione
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da kikka
    anima fragile - vasco
    troppo bella
    "Well, it's a dog eat dog. Eat cat too. The French eat frog and I eat you"

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