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Discussione: Colpo di testO - Ovvero la musica in parole

  1. #91
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da thorpe
    Push my fingers into my eyes...
    stupenda frase

  2. #92
    Son morto ch'ero bambino
    son morto con altri cento
    passato per un camino
    e ora sono nel vento
    Ad Auschwitz c'era la neve
    il fumo saliva lento
    nei campi tante persone
    che ora sono nel vento
    Nei campi tante persone
    ma un solo grande silenzio
    che strano, non ho imparato
    a sorridere qui nel vento.
    Io chiedo come puo` un uomo
    uccidere un suo fratello
    eppure siamo a milioni
    in polvere qui nel vento.
    Ancora tuona il cannone
    ancora non e` contenta
    di sangue la bestia umana
    e ancora ci porta il vento.
    Io chiedo quando sara`
    che un uomo potra` imparare
    a vivere senza ammazzare
    e il vento si posera`.

  3. #93
    naoko L'avatar di alwaysintrouble
    Data Registrazione
    somewhere over the rainbow
    Son le cose che non dici
    che mi fanno pi

  4. #94
    essere ci
    Data Registrazione
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Grey Fox
    fear of the dark by Iron maiden... bellissimo il live in Rio
    Di pi
    [I]"L'ignoranza dell'uomo

  5. #95
    essere ci
    Data Registrazione
    Come vedi sono qua:
    monta su, non ci avranno
    [I]"L'ignoranza dell'uomo

  6. #96
    essere ci
    Data Registrazione
    You know it's kind of hard
    Just to get along today
    Our subject isn't cool
    But he fakes it anyway
    He may not have a clue
    And he may not have style
    But everything he lacks
    Well he makes up in denial

    So don't debate, a player straight
    You know he really doesn't get it anyway
    He's gonna play the field, and keep it real
    For you no way, for you no way
    So if you don't rate, just overcompensate
    At least you'll know you can always go on Ricki Lake
    The world needs wannabe's
    So do that brand new thing

    He needs some cool tunes
    Not just any will suffice
    But they didn't have Ice Cube
    So he bought Vanilla Ice
    Now cruising in his Pinto, he sees homies as he pass
    But if he looks twice
    They're gonna kick his lily ass

    Now he's getting a tattoo
    He's gettin' ink done
    He asked for a '13', but they drew a '31'
    Friends say he's trying too hard
    And he's not quite hip
    But in his own mind
    He's the dopest trip

    So don't debate, a player straight
    You know he really doesn't get it anyway
    He's gonna play the field, and keep it real
    For you no way, for you no way
    So if you don't rate, just overcompensate
    At least you'll know you can always go on Ricki Lake
    The world needs wannabe's
    The world loves wannabe's
    So let's get some more wannabe's
    And do that brand new thing
    [I]"L'ignoranza dell'uomo

  7. #97
    Opinionista L'avatar di DarkOfMatinee
    Data Registrazione
    una bella isola caraibica
    You're the boy with all the leather hips
    Sticky hair, sticky hips
    Stubble on my sticky lips

    You're the only one I'd ever want
    Only one I'd ever want
    Only one I'd ever want
    Beautiful boys on a beautiful dancefloor

    You're dancing like a beautiful dance whore
    Waiting on a silver platter now... and nothing matters now
    Forse perch

  8. #98
    pinguina volante L'avatar di Pingua
    Data Registrazione
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Alias
    zi zi ska-p ska-p!!!!!! Spagna caliente..

    esatto... prorpio gli ska-p con il nino soldado...
    fantastica canzone...
    [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]"...Dio in cuor suo non vorrebbe che certe cose accadessero,
    ma impedirle non pu

  9. #99
    pinguina volante L'avatar di Pingua
    Data Registrazione
    Almost every day
    I see the same face
    On broken picture tube
    It fits the attitude
    If you could see yourself
    You put you on a shelf
    Your verbal masturbate
    Promise to nauseate
    Today I'll play the part of non-parent
    Not make a hundred rules
    For you to know about yourself
    Not lie and make you believe
    What's evil is making love
    and making friends
    and meeting God you're own way
    The right way

    To see
    To bleed
    Cannot be taught
    In turn
    You're making us
    Fucking hostile

    We stand alone

    The truth in right and wrong
    The boundaries of the law
    You seem to miss the point
    Arresting for a joint?
    You seem to wonder why
    Hundreds of people die
    You're writing tickets man
    My mom got jumped -- they ran!
    Now I'll play a public servant
    To serve and protect
    By the law and the state
    I'd bust the punks
    That rape steal and murder
    And leave you be
    If you crossed me
    I'd shake your hand like a man
    Not a god


    Come meet your maker, boy
    Some things you can't enjoy
    Because of heaven/hell
    A fucking wives' tale
    They put it in your head
    Then put you in your bed
    He's watching say your prayers
    Cause God is everywhere
    Now I'll play a man learning priesthood
    Who's about to take the ultimate test in life
    I'd question things because I am human
    And call NO ONE my father who's no closer that a stranger

    I won't listen


    [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]"...Dio in cuor suo non vorrebbe che certe cose accadessero,
    ma impedirle non pu

  10. #100
    Narciso... L'avatar di Anemos
    Data Registrazione
    Spiccando il volo
    [COLOR="DarkOrange"][SIZE="3"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B][CENTER]La pi

  11. #101

    Sovrappensiero ti guardi vivere e ti incammini
    puoi fare tante cose contemporaneamente
    raggiungi alti livelli di comunicazione
    raggiungi altri livelli di concentrazione
    assisti ad una spiegazione (e ne alteri il contenuto)


  12. #102
    [CENTER]Vasco Rossi

    Ti sei accorta di me
    quasi per caso
    quasi per caso hai deciso poi
    di commettere un piccolo peccato
    quando sei riuscita a farmi cadere
    con la tua logica di calze nere
    ti sei voluta prender gioco di me
    ti sei voluta divertire
    ed hai voluto vedere
    fino a che punto potevi arrivare
    fino a che punto mi potevi umiliare
    fino a che punto mi avresti potuto anche cambiare
    e sei riuscita a farmi credere che
    tu fossi pulita
    mentre in realt

  13. #103
    I run these tracks L'avatar di thorpe
    Data Registrazione
    You are wrong, fucked, and overrated
    I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault
    This is the end of EVERYTHING
    You are the end of EVERYTHING
    I haven't slept since I woke up
    And found my whole life was a lie, motherfucker
    This is the end of EVERYTHING
    You are the end of EVERYTHING

    Shallow skin, I can paint with pain
    I mark the trails on my arms with your disdain
    Everyday it's the same - I LOVE, YOU HATE
    But I guess I don't care any more...
    Fix my problems with the blade
    While my eyes turn from blue to gray
    God, the worst thing happened to me today
    But I guess I don't care anymore...

    You are wrong, fucked, and overrated
    I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault
    This is the end of EVERYTHING
    You are the end of EVERYTHING
    I haven't slept cince I woke up
    And found my whole life was a lie, motherfucker
    This is the end of EVERYTHING
    You are the end of EVERYTHING

    My flaws are the only thing left that's pure
    Can't really live, can't really endure
    Everything I see reminds me of her
    God I wish I didn't care anymore
    The more I touch, the less I feel
    I'm lying to myself that it's not real
    Why is everybody making such a big fucking deal?
    I'm never gonna care anymore

    What the hell am I doing?
    Is there anyone left in my life?
    What the fuck was I thinking?
    Anybody want to tell me I'm fine?
    Where the hell am I going?
    Do I even need a reason to hide?
    I am only betrayed
    I am only conditioned to die

    slipknot_everything ends
    "Well, it's a dog eat dog. Eat cat too. The French eat frog and I eat you"

  14. #104
    con baci che non conosco ogni notte
    e se alle volte poi cado ti prego
    sorreggimi, aiutami,
    a capire le cose del mondo
    e parlami, di pi
    Ultima modifica di kikka; 05-02-2005 alle 10:50

  15. #105
    naoko L'avatar di alwaysintrouble
    Data Registrazione
    somewhere over the rainbow
    You always thought that I was doing alright
    But nothing that was through a night
    But I'm crazy over you
    Crazy Over you
    Crazy Over you
    Let me go crazy crazy Over you

    Can't you see what you do to me baby?
    You make me crazy, you make me act like a maniac.
    I'm like a lunatic, you make me sick
    You truly are the only one who can do this to me
    You just make me get so crazy.
    I go skitzo, I get so insane I just go skitzophrenic
    One minute I want to slit your throat
    The next I want sex.
    You make me crazy,
    the way we act like 2 maniacs in the sac
    We fuck like 2 jackrabbits
    And maybe that's a bad habit.
    Cuz the next day we're right back at it
    In the same exact pattern
    What the fuck is the matter with us
    We can't figure out if it's
    Lust or it's love
    What's sad is what's attracting us to each other
    They say that every man grows up to marry his own mother.
    Which would explain why you're such a motherfucking bitch
    But I stay and still stick it out with you even though I just hit you today
    But you deserve it you hit me first and provoked me to choke you
    Just cuz I came home late last night crawled in bed and I woke you.
    But if there's one thing about you I admire its, baby,
    Because you stay with me, maybe, because you're as crazy as I am
    Cuz when I look at you I can see an angel in your eyes
    But if I look deeper inside I see your freakish little side.
    Like a devil in disguise,
    You're always full of surprises
    Always pullin' devises
    Out your personal vibrators and dildos
    You fucked yourself so much
    You barely feel those anymore
    You're only 24 but you're plenty more now.
    Sure than those other little hoes
    Who just act like little girls
    Like they're in middle school still
    You're crazy sexy cool, chillin
    You play your position
    You never step out of line
    Even though I stay in your business
    You've always kept out of mine.
    I wonder whats on your mind
    Sometimes they say love is blind
    Maybe that's why the first time I dotted your eye
    You ain't see
    Crazy in love - Eminem

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