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Discussione: Our English Lab

  1. #16

    I don't like spanish... but, I go crazy for portuguese language, which I consider the most musical language on earth
    Bambol utente of the decade

  2. #17
    No Excuses L'avatar di Jerda
    Data Registrazione
    You go crazy but for Brazilian butts, you smartass
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BiO-dEiStA Visualizza Messaggio
    Questa sì che è vita, altro che la marea di boiate pseudoscientifiche con cui una mandria di dilettanti pagati a peso d'oro continua a riempirci la testa e a mandare a puttane il paese.
    Ben ritrovati.

  3. #18
    Bambol utente of the decade

  4. #19
    No Excuses L'avatar di Jerda
    Data Registrazione
    i'm in your mind Man! We are like One

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BiO-dEiStA Visualizza Messaggio
    Questa sì che è vita, altro che la marea di boiate pseudoscientifiche con cui una mandria di dilettanti pagati a peso d'oro continua a riempirci la testa e a mandare a puttane il paese.
    Ben ritrovati.

  5. #20
    more or less!!
    Bambol utente of the decade

  6. #21
    Opinionista L'avatar di follemente
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    Al mare
    Good morning!

    Did you sleep well?
    Do you have problem sleeping? Why (not)?
    Do you usually sleep with your bedroom completely dark, or with the curtains or blinds open? Do you have problems sleeping if there is too much or not enough light for you?
    Have you ever worked at night? Did you have any problems sleeping the next day? Why (not)?
    Have you ever flown long haul ? Where to? Did you get jet lag? How long did it take you to get over it?

  7. #22
    Opinionista L'avatar di Breakthru
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    Sorry for my english

    today I have online lesson
    I don't like it
    I didn't do the translation
    I asked my son "Can you help me with my homework?"
    he answered me
    "your cocks"

  8. #23
    Opinionista L'avatar di follemente
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    Al mare
    What are you studying, Breakthru?

    I studied German for eight years and I hated this language! Also the methods of teaching were very antiquated.
    I started studying English in the last three years of high school. I liked it very much, but after I didn’t have much time to improve the speaking, even if at the University I did two exams of English literature and I read Shakespeare.

  9. #24
    No Excuses L'avatar di Jerda
    Data Registrazione
    Good Morning folle!

    I usually never have problems getting asleep, though I'm going to bed very late these days. I'm working from home, so my schedule is completely customizable.
    I've had issues sleeping, but it was more troublesome keeping my sleep without waking up during the night, or in the morning way earlier than I wished.
    By nature I use to wake up early in the morning, no matter how late I went to bed. It's a matter of light, as you mentioned. If I need to sleep more, placing a scarf on my eyes does the trick. I'm not bothered by noise while sleeping, but very much by light.
    I've been working on night-shift in the last months, starting to alternate with day shifts only in January. I enjoy them because I'm always with young people, mainly hearing a seeing crazy and nasty stuff they do
    I then usually went to bed at noon, not immediately after work. Many people do not make it to sleep during the day, hence the high rate of quitters with these jobs.
    I've had a huge jet lag the day me and my wife flew to Brazil. It took 40 hours or so and three flights. We'd been invited at the party the same day. It was crazy We ended up leaning on each other to stay awake

    What about you? Do you sleep well during the night? Do you have a resting sleep?
    Ultima modifica di Jerda; 15-04-2020 alle 07:36
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BiO-dEiStA Visualizza Messaggio
    Questa sì che è vita, altro che la marea di boiate pseudoscientifiche con cui una mandria di dilettanti pagati a peso d'oro continua a riempirci la testa e a mandare a puttane il paese.
    Ben ritrovati.

  10. #25
    No Excuses L'avatar di Jerda
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Breakthru Visualizza Messaggio
    Sorry for my english

    today I have online lesson
    I don't like it
    I didn't do the translation
    I asked my son "Can you help me with my homework?"
    he answered me
    "your cocks"
    Good morning!
    Say what?? "cazzi tuoi?" nasty boy!

    Well, if you need a hand with the translation, here we are
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BiO-dEiStA Visualizza Messaggio
    Questa sì che è vita, altro che la marea di boiate pseudoscientifiche con cui una mandria di dilettanti pagati a peso d'oro continua a riempirci la testa e a mandare a puttane il paese.
    Ben ritrovati.

  11. #26
    Opinionista L'avatar di Breakthru
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da follemente Visualizza Messaggio
    What are you studying, Breakthru?

    I studied German for eight years and I hated this language! Also the methods of teaching were very antiquated.
    I started studying English in the last three years of high school. I liked it very much, but after I didn’t have much time to improve the speaking, even if at the University I did two exams of English literature and I read Shakespeare.

    I started learning english since jenuary 2019
    I studying grammar on a high school book and free y- tube lessons, Levent school, from Treviso
    in the library, now online, conversation workshop
    I studied french on ( o in?) hight school,

  12. #27
    Opinionista L'avatar di Breakthru
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Jerda Visualizza Messaggio
    Good morning!
    Say what?? "cazzi tuoi?" nasty boy!

    Well, if you need a hand with the translation, here we are


  13. #28
    Opinionista L'avatar di Breakthru
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    Vado a fare sta benedetta traduzione
    I'm going to do the translation

  14. #29
    Opinionista L'avatar di follemente
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    Al mare
    I sleep in a bedroom with the blinds: there must be completely darkness and silence, otherwise I don't get asleep. I sleep for eight hours every night, but I must take the sleeping pill.

    I have never worked at night and I think I couldn’t be able to have a shift work, because I am very sensitive. If I don’t sleep, I feel very bad.

    I have never had jet lag, because I have never flown long haul.

  15. #30
    Opinionista L'avatar di follemente
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    Al mare
    When you were a child, did you use to have nightmares?

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