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Discussione: Colpo di testO - Ovvero la musica in parole

  1. #781

    Jane Siberry

    We walk the narrow path
    Beneath the smoking skies
    Sometimes you can barely tell the difference
    Between darkness and light
    Do you have faith in what we believe?
    The truest test is when we can not
    When we can not see

    I hear pounding feet in the
    In the streets below and the
    And the women crying and the
    And the children know that there
    That there's something wrong
    And it's hard to believe that love will prevail

    It won't rain all the time
    The sky won't fall forever
    And though the night seems long
    Your tears won't fall forever

    When I'm lonely
    I lie awake at night
    And I wish you were here
    I miss you
    Can you tell me, is there something more to believe in?
    Or is this all there is?

    And the pounding feet in the
    In the streets below and the
    And the window breaks and
    And a woman falls, there's
    There's something wrong, it's
    It's so hard to believe that love will prevail

    It won't rain all the time
    The sky won't fall forever
    And though the night seems long
    Your tears won't fall
    Your tears won't fall
    Your tears won't fall

    Last night I had a dream
    You came into my room
    You took me into your arms
    Whispering and kissing me
    And telling me to still believe
    But then the emptiness of a burning sea against which we see our darkest of sadness

    Until I felt safe and warm
    I fell asleep in your arms
    When I awoke I cried again
    For you were gone
    Can you hear me?

    It won't rain all the time
    The sky won't fall forever
    And though the night seems long
    Your tears won't fall forever
    It won't rain all the time
    The sky won't fall forever
    And though the night seems long
    Your tears won't fall
    Your tears won't fall
    Your tears won't fall

  2. #782
    In love! L'avatar di Fragolino83
    Data Registrazione
    Canzone Per Un'amica F.Guccini

    [I]Lunga e diritta correva la strada, l'auto veloce correva
    la dolce estate era gi
    Socio Milan Club

  3. #783
    [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Volevo Dirti

    Non voglio pi

  4. #784
    Orribile grassone L'avatar di Zazzauser
    Data Registrazione
    Nella coulisse di un trombone
    [QUOTE=Fragolino83]Canzone Per Un'amica F.Guccini

    [I]Lunga e diritta correva la strada, l'auto veloce correva
    la dolce estate era gi
    [I][B][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="Navy"]"...Cose errate che paiono giuste dapprima, ma per quanto ci

  5. #785
    [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Mia

    Non ti voglio vedere
    neanche nell'abbraccio di uno sguardo
    Sai che penserei
    forse che qualcuno stia cercando
    di fare di te
    un suo pensiero e.....
    E non sopporto neanche l' idea che lui ci provi perch

  6. #786

    Within Temptation

    Winter has come for me, can't carry on.
    The chains to my life are strong but soon they'll be gone.
    I'll spread my wings one more time.

    Is it a dream?
    All the ones I have loved calling out my name.
    The sun warms my face.
    All the days of my life, I see them passing me by.

    In my heart I know I can let go.
    In the end I will find some peace inside.
    New wings are growing tonight.

    Is it a dream?
    All the ones I have loved calling out my name.
    The sun warms my face.
    All the days of my life, I see them passing me by.

    As I am soaring I'm one with the wind.
    I am longing to see you again, it's been so long.
    We will be together again.

    Is it a dream?
    All the ones I have loved calling out my name.
    The sun warms my face.
    All the days of my life, I see them passing me by.

  7. #787
    Voglio dedicare la canzone che segue ad una persona, che forse nn la leggerà mai, qui ma potrebbe averla vista scritta nel mio cuore per lui:

    - Pretenders -

    Oh, why you look so sad?
    Tears are in your eyes
    Come on and come to me now
    Don’t be ashamed to cry
    Let me see you through
    Cause I’ve seen the dark side too
    When the night falls on you
    You don’t know what to do
    Nothing you confess
    Could make me love you less

    I’ll stand by you
    I’ll stand by you
    Won’t let nobody hurt you
    I’ll stand by you

    So if you’re mad, get mad
    Don’t hold it all inside
    Come on and talk to me now
    Hey, what you got to hide?
    I get angry too
    Well I’m a lot like you
    When you’re standing at the crossroads
    And don’t know which path to choose
    Let me come along
    Cause even if you’re wrong

    I’ll stand by you
    I’ll stand by you
    Won’t let nobody hurt you
    I’ll stand by you

    Take me in, into your darkest hour
    And I’ll never desert you
    I’ll stand by you

    And when…
    When the night falls on you baby
    You’re feeling all alone
    You won’t be on your own

    I’ll stand by you
    I’ll stand by you
    Won’t let nobody hurt you

    I’ll stand by you
    Take me in, into your darkest hour
    And I’ll never desert you

    I’ll stand by you
    I’ll stand by you
    Won’t let nobody hurt you
    I’ll stand by you
    Won’t let nobody hurt you
    I’ll stand by you

  8. #788
    Sentinella del mattino L'avatar di marco68
    Data Registrazione
    [QUOTE=kephira]Voglio dedicare la canzone che segue ad una persona, che forse nn la legger
    [COLOR=Green]"Venite a me, voi tutti, che siete affaticati e oppressi, e io vi ristorer

  9. #789
    ehehehe marco.. tu mi capisci..
    Si è un testo che mi commuove, perchè per me condensa il senso dell'amore vero, quello che nn ho dubbi di provare nel mio cuore e nella mia anima.
    Se solo... se solo scollasse gli occhi del suo spirito dal basso e guardasse verso l'alto.. finalmente

  10. #790
    Io Ti Cercher
    Membro del Consiglio degli Admin


  11. #791
    L'avatar di Agatone
    Data Registrazione
    Cirano - Francesco Guccini

    Venite pure avanti, voi con il naso corto, signori imbellettati,
    io più non vi sopporto,
    infilerò la penna ben dentro al vostro orgoglio
    perché con questa spada vi uccido quando voglio.

    Venite pure avanti poeti sgangherati,
    inutili cantanti di giorni sciagurati,
    buffoni che campate di versi senza forza
    avrete soldi e gloria, ma non avete scorza;
    godetevi il successo, godete finchè dura,
    che il pubblico è ammaestrato e non vi fa paura
    e andate chissà dove per non pagar le tasse
    col ghigno e l' ignoranza dei primi della classe.
    Io sono solo un povero cadetto di Guascogna,
    però non la sopporto la gente che non sogna.
    Gli orpelli? L'arrivismo? All' amo non abbocco
    e al fin della licenza io non perdono e tocco,
    io non perdono, non perdono e tocco!

    Facciamola finita, venite tutti avanti nuovi protagonisti,
    politici rampanti,
    venite portaborse, ruffiani e mezze calze,
    feroci conduttori di trasmissioni false
    che avete spesso fatto del qualunquismo un arte,
    coraggio liberisti, buttate già le carte
    tanto ci sarà sempre chi pagherà le spese in questo benedetto,
    assurdo bel paese.
    Non me ne frega niente se anch' io sono sbagliato,
    spiacere è il mio piacere, io amo essere odiato;
    coi furbi e i prepotenti da sempre mi balocco
    e al fin della licenza io non perdono e tocco,
    io non perdono, non perdono e tocco!

    Ma quando sono solo con questo naso al piede
    che almeno di mezz' ora da sempre mi precede
    si spegne la mia rabbia e ricordo con dolore
    che a me è quasi proibito il sogno di un amore;
    non so quante ne ho amate, non so quante ne ho avute,
    per colpa o per destino le donne le ho perdute
    e quando sento il peso d' essere sempre solo
    mi chiudo in casa e scrivo e scrivendo mi consolo,
    ma dentro di me sento che il grande amore esiste,
    amo senza peccato, amo, ma sono triste
    perché Rossana è bella, siamo così diversi,
    a parlarle non riesco: le parlerà coi versi, le parlerà coi versi...

    Venite gente vuota, facciamola finita,
    voi preti che vendete a tutti un' altra vita;
    se c'è, come voi dite, un Dio nell' infinito,
    guardatevi nel cuore, l' avete già tradito
    e voi materialisti, col vostro chiodo fisso,
    che Dio è morto e l' uomo è solo in questo abisso,
    le verità cercate per terra, da maiali,
    tenetevi le ghiande, lasciatemi le ali;
    tornate a casa nani, levatevi davanti,
    per la mia rabbia enorme mi servono giganti.
    Ai dogmi e ai pregiudizi da sempre non abbocco
    e al fin della licenza io non perdono e tocco,
    io non perdono, non perdono e tocco!

    Io tocco i miei nemici col naso e con la spada,
    ma in questa vita oggi non trovo più la strada.
    Non voglio rassegnarmi ad essere cattivo,
    tu sola puoi salvarmi, tu sola e te lo scrivo:
    dev' esserci, lo sento, in terra o in cielo un posto
    dove non soffriremo e tutto sarà giusto.
    Non ridere, ti prego, di queste mie parole,
    io sono solo un' ombra e tu, Rossana, il sole,
    ma tu, lo so, non ridi, dolcissima signora
    ed io non mi nascondo sotto la tua dimora
    perché oramai lo sento, non ho sofferto invano,
    se mi ami come sono,
    per sempre tuo, per sempre tuo, per sempre tuo...Cirano.

  12. #792
    [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]I Want It That Way

    You are my fire
    The one desire
    Believe when I say
    I want it that way

    But we are two worlds apart
    Can't reach to your heart
    When you say
    That I want it that way

    Tell me why
    Ain't nothin' but a heartache
    Tell me why
    Ain't nothin' but a mistake
    Tell me why
    I never wanna hear you say
    I want it that way

    Am I your fire
    Your one desire
    Yes I know it's too late
    But I want it that way


    Now I can see that we're falling apart
    From the way that it used to be, yeah
    No matter the distance
    I want you to know
    That deep down inside of me...

    You are my fire
    The one desire
    You are
    You are, you are, you are

    Don't wanna hear you say
    Ain't nothin' but a heartache
    Ain't nothin' but a mistake
    (Don't wanna hear you say)
    I never wanna hear you say
    I want it that way

    Tell me why
    Ain't nothin' but a heartache
    Tell me why
    Ain't nothin but a mistake
    Tell me why
    I never wanna hear you say
    (Don't wanna hear you say it)
    I want it that way
    I want it that way


    Empty spaces fill me up with holes
    Distant faces with no place left to go
    Without you within me I can

  13. #793
    Halber Mensch L'avatar di Heltir
    Data Registrazione
    Vedi firma.

    Per chi non coglie...

    Stars - Your Ex-Lover Is Dead

    When there's nothing left to burn
    You have to set yourself on fire

    God that was strange to see you again
    Introduced by a friend of a friend
    Smiled and said 'yes I think we've met before'
    In that instant it started to pour,
    Captured a taxi despite all the rain
    We drove in silence across pont champlain
    And all of the time you thought I was sad
    I was trying to remember your name...

    This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin
    Tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in
    Now you're outside me
    You see all the beauty
    Repent all your sin

    It's nothing but time and a face that you lose
    I chose to feel it and you couldn't chose
    I'll write you a postcard
    I'll send you the news
    From a house down the road from real love...

    Live through this, and you won't look back...
    Live through this, and you won't look back...
    Live through this, and you won't look back...

    There's one thing I want to say, so I'll be brave
    You were what I wanted
    I gave what I gave
    I'm not sorry I met you
    I'm not sorry it's over
    I'm not sorry there's nothing to say

    I'm not sorry there's nothing to say...
    For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike
    For Art We Must Forever Yeld

  14. #794
    Casinista L'avatar di perfetto difettoso
    Data Registrazione
    Milano e ogni tanto su per i monti...
    (SPOT VODAFONE 2006)

    Imagine me and you, I do
    I think about you day and night, it's only right
    To think about the girl you love and hold her tight
    So happy together

    If I should call you up, invest a dime
    And you say you belong to me and ease my mind
    Imagine how the world could be, so very fine
    So happy together

    I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
    For all my life
    When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
    For all my life

    Me and you and you and me
    No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
    The only one for me is you, and you for me
    So happy together

    I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
    For all my life
    When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
    For all my life

    Me and you and you and me
    No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
    The only one for me is you, and you for me
    So happy together

    Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba
    Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba

    Me and you and you and me
    No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
    The only one for me is you, and you for me
    So happy together

    So happy together
    How is the weather
    So happy together
    We're happy together
    So happy together
    Happy together
    So happy together
    So happy together (ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba)
    Sono l'eco di un uomo che svanisce

  15. #795
    A Thousand Miles

    Making my way downtown
    Walking fast
    Faces passed
    And I'm home bound
    Staring blankly ahead
    Just making my way
    Making my way
    Through the crowd

    And I need you
    And I miss you
    And now I wonder....

    If I could fall
    Into the sky
    Do you think time
    Would pass me by
    'Cause you know I'd walk
    A thousand miles
    If I could
    Just see you

    It's always times like these
    When I think of you
    And I wonder
    If you ever
    Think of me

    'Cause everything's so wrong
    And I don't belong
    Living in your
    Precious memories

    'Cause I need you
    And I miss you
    And now I wonder....

    If I could fall
    Into the sky
    Do you think time
    Would pass me by
    'Cause you know I'd walk
    A thousand miles
    If I could
    Just see you

    And I, I
    Don't want to let you know
    I, I
    Drown in your memory
    I, I
    Don't want to let this go
    I, I

    Making my way downtown
    Walking fast
    Faces passed
    And I'm home bound

    Staring blankly ahead
    Just making my way
    Making my way
    Through the crowd

    And I still need you
    And I still miss you
    And now I wonder....

    If I could fall
    Into the sky
    Do you think time
    Would pass us by
    'Cause you know I'd walk
    A thousand miles
    If I could
    Just see you...

    If I could fall
    Into the sky
    Do you think time
    Would pass me by
    'Cause you know I'd walk
    A thousand miles
    If I could
    Just see you
    If I could
    Just hold you
    Membro del Consiglio degli Admin


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