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Discussione: Colpo di testO - Ovvero la musica in parole

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  1. #1
    Disappointed Idealist L'avatar di Kyra
    Data Registrazione
    su un piedistallo.
    I'm going nowhere and I'm going to take my time
    All the questions in the world
    I can leave in my mind

    I'm waiting on the sunshine, the sunshine

    I'm waiting for answers
    I'm waiting to figure it out
    I took all my chances
    I slipped through my town

    I'm going nowhere and I'm going to take my time
    all the questions in the world
    I can leave in my mind
    I'm waiting on the sunshine, the sunshine,
    the sunshine

    Well it seems that my weakness
    is sometimes my only strength
    And in my incompleteness you get your way


    I'll be around and I will find my way back down
    yeah I've seen the sound of the sun

    I'm going nowhere and I'm going to take my time
    all the questions in the world
    I can leave in my mind
    I'm waiting on the sunshine, the sunshine,
    the sunshine, the sunshine
    I'm laying down, eating snow
    My fur is hot, my tongue is cold
    On a bed of spider web
    I think of how to change myself

    A lot of hope in a one man tent
    There's no room for innocence
    So take me home before the storm
    Velvet mites will keep us warm.

  2. #2
    Non Plus Ultra L'avatar di Lullaby
    Data Registrazione
    Una settimana, un giorno o solamente un'ora
    a volte vale una vita intera
    il tempo passa in fretta e ti ruba quello che hai

    io non so parlare d'amore, ma so che quando tu
    mi stringi le mani forte
    vorrei che il tempo si fermasse intorno a noi...

    Vorrei che mai, mai, mai, mai nessuno al mondo mai
    potesse rubarti, portarti via lontano, come ora quel treno
    e so che mai, mai, mai, mai nessuna donna mai
    con uno sguardo solo, sapr
    [COLOR="Navy"][I][B]Non ridere di me, ma GRIDA perch

  3. #3
    Ali BaBa
    Every drop of rain that falls in Sahara Desert says it all
    It's a miracle
    All God's creations great and small, the Golden Gate and the Taj Mahal
    That's a miracle
    Test tube babies being born, mothers, fathers dead and gone
    It's a miracle
    We're having a miracle on Earth, mother nature does it all for us
    The wonders of this world go on, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
    Captain Cook and Cain and Abel, Jimi Hendrix to the Tower of Babel
    It's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle
    The one thing we're all waiting for, is peace on Earth - an end to war
    It's a miracle we need - the miracle
    The miracle we're all waiting for today
    If every leaf on every tree, could tell a story that would be a miracle
    If every child on every street, had clothes to wear and food to eat
    That's a miracle
    If all God's people could be free, to live in perfect harmony
    It's a miracle, we're having a miracle on Earth
    Mother nature does it all for us
    (the wonders of this world go on)
    Open hearts and surgery, Sunday mornings with a cup of tea
    Super powers always fighting
    But Mona Lisa just keeps on smiling
    It's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle

    (The wonders of this world go on)
    Well it's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a miracle
    The one thing (the one thing)
    We're all waiting for (we're all waiting for)
    Is peace on Earth (peace on Earth) and an end to war (end to war)
    It's a miracle we need, the miracle, the miracle
    Peace on Earth and end to war today
    That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be friends
    That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be friends
    That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be friends
    That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be friends
    That time will come

    queen - the miracle

  4. #4
    autobanned L'avatar di kika_
    Data Registrazione
    Luoghi inviolabili della memoria
    Soltanto gli orli un po’ sfocati ma così indissolubili
    e così troppo intensi da dirsi
    dimentica quello che è stato comunque non ritornerà
    dimentica le mie parole se puoi perdonaci
    non sempre c’è un lieto fine
    dimentica l’amore forse anche il dolore passerà
    dimentica le cose belle e tutto il male sai di colpo sparirà
    ovunque io sarò comunque mi resterà qualcosa di te
    forse attimi ma eterni
    dimentica tutti quei giorni anche l’amore fisico
    gli addio e i ritorni era una storia che viveva in bilico
    un sentimento così forte che spesso passa il limite
    non vuoi lasciarlo andare perché infondo sai che non ti lascerà
    dimentica il dolore forse l’amore ti ripagherà
    dimentica tu fallo per me che ancora non so dimenticare te
    dimentica perché io ancora non so dimenticare dimenticare..

    Testi di Raf
    Ultima modifica di kika_; 04-06-2006 alle 18:44
    [B][I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Ogni persona che passa nella tua vita, qualcosa ti prende, e qualcosa ti d

  5. #5
    [QUOTE=kika_]Luoghi inviolabili della memoria
    Soltanto gli orli un po
    Membro del Consiglio degli Admin


  6. #6
    autobanned L'avatar di kika_
    Data Registrazione
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Xilinx23

    Ultima modifica di kika_; 05-06-2006 alle 11:06
    [B][I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Ogni persona che passa nella tua vita, qualcosa ti prende, e qualcosa ti d

  7. #7
    Jimmy Eat World
    Hear You Me

    There's no one in town I know
    You gave us someplace to go
    I never said thank you for that
    Thought I might get one more chance

    What would you think of me now?
    So lucky,
    So strong,
    So proud
    I Never said thank you for that
    Now I'll never have a chance

    May angels lead you in
    Hear you me my friends
    On sleepless roads the sleepless go
    May angels lead you in

    And if you were with me tonight
    I'd sing to you just one more time
    A song for a heart so big God wouldn't let it live
    Membro del Consiglio degli Admin


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