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Discussione: Colpo di testO - Ovvero la musica in parole

  1. #1546
    Disappointed Idealist L'avatar di Kyra
    Data Registrazione
    su un piedistallo.
    The Darkness - Holding My Own

    Baby, everything has fallen into place
    My life is so exciting now I've got my space
    Like a splash of water on my face
    Lately I'm doing what I can do to pleasure me
    I'm finding time to focus on my fantasies
    I'm satisfied in my own company

    I don't need your permission
    To take this matter in my own two hands

    'Cos I'm holding my own
    Give or take a tear or two
    I'm holding my own
    No matter what I put myself through

    Lady, all we seem to do is talk about
    We take apart and analyse our ins and outs
    Honey, I would rather do without

    No-one to answer to
    I won't spend another lifetime begging you

    'Cos I'm holding my own
    Give or take a tear or two
    I'm holding my own
    No matter what I put myself through
    I'm holding my own

    There's a spring in my stride
    There's a twinkle in my dying eyes

    'Cos I'm holding my own
    Give or take a tear or two
    I'm holding my own
    No matter what I put myself through
    I'm laying down, eating snow
    My fur is hot, my tongue is cold
    On a bed of spider web
    I think of how to change myself

    A lot of hope in a one man tent
    There's no room for innocence
    So take me home before the storm
    Velvet mites will keep us warm.

  2. #1547
    In love! L'avatar di Fragolino83
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    Aida- Rino Gaetano

    [I][FONT="Book Antiqua"]
    Lei sfogliava i suoi ricordi
    le sue istantanee
    i suoi tab
    Socio Milan Club

  3. #1548
    In love! L'avatar di Fragolino83
    Data Registrazione
    [B]Ma il cielo
    Socio Milan Club

  4. #1549
    Data Registrazione

    Essere in te

    [COLOR="DarkRed"]Ti guardo mentre scrivi
    frasi che non mi farai leggere mai
    su di un'agenda che ricompri
    ogni anno uguale e non cambierai.
    Dalla penna escono
    le parole e fissano
    pensieri che solo con te puoi condividere
    forse ti riportano

  5. #1550
    Giorgio Gaber
    La Strana Famiglia

    [I]Vi presento la mia famiglia
    non si trucca, non si imbroglia
    Membro del Consiglio degli Admin


  6. #1551
    Opinionista L'avatar di Daysleeper
    Data Registrazione
    Nuvole d'ovatta
    "Ebbene lo ammetto, ti porterei via..."

  7. #1552
    My L'avatar di beat
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    Be For Real -
    Leonard Cohen

    Are you back in my life to stay
    Or is it just for today
    Oh that you're gonna need me?
    If it's a thrill you're looking for
    Honey, I'm flexible. Oh, yeah.
    Just be for real won't you baby
    Be for real oh, Baby
    You see I
    I don't want to be hurt by love again.

    So you see I'm not naive.
    I just would like to believe
    Ah what you tell me.
    So don't give me the world today
    And tomorrow take it away.
    Don't do that to me darling.

    Just be for real won't you baby
    Be for real won't you baby

    Been hurt so many times
    You see I
    I don't want to be hurt by love again.

    I don't give a damn about the truth baby
    Except for the naked truth. Oh yeah

    Just be for real won't you baby
    Be for real won't you baby

    No, no, no, no
    It's just that I
    I don't want to be hurt by love again.
    [SIZE="1"]Non pi

  8. #1553
    IL DELITTO PERFETTO NON ESISTE! L'avatar di Hitchcock
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    "CANZONE DI MAGGIO" - Fabrizio De Andrè

    Anche se il nostro maggio
    ha fatto a meno del vostro coraggio
    se la paura di guardare
    vi ha fatto chinare il mento
    se il fuoco ha risparmiato
    le vostre millecento
    anche se voi vi credete assolti
    siete lo stesso coinvolti.

    E se vi siete detti
    non sta succedendo niente,
    le fabbriche riapriranno,
    arresteranno qualche studente
    convinti che fosse un gioco
    a cui avremmo giocato poco
    provate pure a credervi assolti
    siete lo stesso coinvolti.

    Anche se avete chiuso
    le vostre porte sul nostro muso
    la notte che le "pantere"
    ci mordevano il sedere
    lasciandoci in buona fede
    massacrare sui marciapiedi
    anche se ora ve ne fregate.
    voi quella notte voi c'eravate.

    E se nei vostri quartieri
    tutto è rimasto come ieri,
    senza le barricate
    senza feriti, senza granate,
    se avete preso per buone
    le "verità" della televisione
    anche se allora vi siete assolti
    siete lo stesso coinvolti.

    E se credete ora
    che tutto sia come prima
    perchè avete votato ancora
    la sicurezza, la disciplina,
    convinti di allontanare
    le paure di cambiare
    verremo ancora alle vostre porte
    e grideremo ancora più forte
    per quanto voi vi crediate assolti
    siete sempre coinvolti,
    per quanto voi vi crediate assolti
    siete per sempre coinvolti.

  9. #1554
    Disappointed Idealist L'avatar di Kyra
    Data Registrazione
    su un piedistallo.
    Joshua Radin - Girlfriend In A Coma

    Girlfriend in a coma, I know, I know, it's serious,
    Girlfriend in a coma, I know, I know, it's really serious.
    There were times when I could have murdered her,
    But you know I would hate anything to happen to her,
    No I don't want to see her.

    Do you really think she'll pull through?
    Do you really think she'll pull through?
    Doohoo ohoo oo hoo

    Girlfriend in a coma, I know, I know, it's serious,
    Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, baby godbye.
    There were times when I could have strangled her,
    But you know I would hate anything to happen to her.
    Would you please let me see her.

    Do you really think she'll pull through,
    Do you really think she'll pull through,
    Doohoo ohoo oo hoo

    Girlfriend in a coma, I know, I know, it's serious.
    Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, baby godbye.
    Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, baby godbye.
    I'm laying down, eating snow
    My fur is hot, my tongue is cold
    On a bed of spider web
    I think of how to change myself

    A lot of hope in a one man tent
    There's no room for innocence
    So take me home before the storm
    Velvet mites will keep us warm.

  10. #1555
    Opinionista L'avatar di Daysleeper
    Data Registrazione
    Nuvole d'ovatta
    The Blower's Daughter - Damien Rice

    And so it is
    Just like you said it would be
    Life goes easy on me
    Most of the time
    And so it is
    The shorter story
    No love, no glory
    No hero in her skies

    I can't take my eyes off you
    I can't take my eyes off you
    I can't take my eyes off you
    I can't take my eyes off you
    I can't take my eyes off you
    I can't take my eyes...

    And so it is
    Just like you said it should be
    We'll both forget the breeze
    Most of the time
    And so it is
    The colder water
    The blower's daughter
    The pupil in denial

    I can't take my eyes off you
    I can't take my eyes off you
    I can't take my eyes off you
    I can't take my eyes off you
    I can't take my eyes off you
    I can't take my eyes...

    Did I say that I loathe you?
    Did I say that I want to
    Leave it all behind?

    I can't take my mind off you
    I can't take my mind off you...
    I can't take my mind off you
    I can't take my mind off you
    I can't take my mind off you
    I can't take my mind...
    My mind...

    'Til I find somebody new
    "Ebbene lo ammetto, ti porterei via..."

  11. #1556
    gli animali sono buoni da mangiare L'avatar di pigi
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    my sweet lord di george harrison

    My sweet Lord
    Mm, my Lord
    Mm, my Lord
    I really want to see you
    Really want to be with you
    Really want to see you, Lord
    But it takes so long, my Lord
    My sweet Lord
    Mm, my Lord
    Mm, my Lord
    I really want to know you
    Really want to go with you, Lord
    Really want to show you, Lord
    That it won't take long, my Lord Hallelujah
    My sweet Lord Hallelujah
    Mm, my Lord Hallelujah
    My sweet Lord Hallelujah
    I really want to see you
    Really want to see you Lord
    Really want to see you Lord
    Really want to see you Lord
    But it takes so long, my Lord Hallelujah
    My sweet Lord Hallelujah
    Mm, my Lord Hallelujah
    My my Lord Hallelujah
    I really want to know you Hallelujah
    Really want to go with you Hallelujah
    Really want to show you, Lord Ahh
    That it won't take long, my Lord Hallelujah
    Mm, mm Lord Hallelujah
    My sweet Lord Hallelujah
    My my Lord Hallelujah
    Mm, my Lord Hare Krishna
    My my Lord Hare Krishna
    Oh my sweet Lord Krishna Krishna
    Ooh, ooh Hare Hare
    Now, I really wanna see you Hare Rama
    I really wanna be with you Hare Rama
    Really wanna see you, Lord Ahh
    But it takes so long, my Lord Hallelujah
    My sweet Lord Hallelujah
    My my Lord Hare Krishna
    Oh my sweet Lord Hare Krishna
    My sweet Lord
    Mm, my sweet Lord
    My my Lord Hare Krishna
    Oh, my sweet Lord Krishna Krishna
    My sweet Lord
    Oh, my sweet Lord
    My sweet Lord
    My sweet Lord
    ciao bella gente! (pigi)

  12. #1557
    Data Registrazione


    With every waking breath I breathe
    I see what life has dealt to me
    With every sadness I deny
    I feel a chance inside me die

    Give me a taste of something new
    To touch to hold to pull me through
    Send me a guiding light that shines
    Across this darkened life of mine

    Breathe some soul in me
    Breathe your gift of love to me
    Breathe life to lay

  13. #1558
    Data Registrazione

    avrai sorrisi sul tuo viso come ad agosto grilli e stelle storie fotografate dentro un album rilegato in pelle tuoni d'aerei supersonici che fanno alzar la testa e il buio all'alba che si fa d'argento alla finestra avrai un telefono vicino che vuol dire già aspettare schiuma di cavalloni pazzi che s'inseguono nel mare e pantaloni bianchi da tirare fuori che è già estate un treno per l'America senza fermate avrai due lacrime più dolci da seccare un sole che si uccide e pescatori di telline e neve di montagne e pioggia di colline avrai un legnetto di cremino da succhiare avrai una donna acerba e un giovane dolore viali di foglie in fiamme ad incendiarti il cuore avrai una sedia per posarti ore vuote come uova di cioccolato ed un amico che ti avrà deluso tradito ingannato avrai avrai avrai il tuo tempo per andar lontano camminerai dimenticando ti fermerai sognando avrai avrai avrai la stessa mia triste speranza e sentirai di non avere amato mai abbastanza se amore amore avrai avrai parole nuove da cercare quando viene sera e cento ponti da passare e far suonare la ringhiera la prima sigaretta che ti fuma in bocca un po' di tosse Natale di agrifoglio e candeline rosse avrai un lavoro da sudare mattini fradici di brividi e rugiada giochi elettronici e sassi per la strada avrai ricordi di ombrelli e chiavi da scordare avrai carezze per parlare con i cani e sarà sempre di domenica domani e avrai discorsi chiusi dentro mani che frugano le tasche della vita ed una radio per sentire che la guerra è finita avrai avrai avrai il tuo tempo per andar lontano camminerai dimenticando ti fermerai sognando avrai avrai avrai la stessa mia triste speranza e sentirai di non avere amato mai abbastanza se amore amore amore avrai

  14. #1559
    Iron Maiden - Montségur

    I stand alone in this desolate space. In death they are truly alive.
    Massacred innocence, evil took place. The angels were burning inside.

    Centuries later I wonder why. What secret that they took to their grave.
    Still burning heretics under our skies. Religion still burning inside.

    At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones of the citadel.
    At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones of the citadel.
    At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones of the citadel.
    At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones of the citadel.

    As we kill them all so god will know his own. The innocents died for the pope on his throne.
    Catholic greed and its paranoid zeal. Curse of the grail and the blood of the cross.

    Templar believers with blood on their hands. Joined in the chorus to kill on command.
    Burned at the stake for their soul's liberty. To stand with the Cathars to die and be free.

    The book of old testament crippled and black. Satan his weapon is lost.
    Living this evil damnation of flesh, back to the torture of life.
    The perfect would willingly have died at the stake and all of their followers slain.
    As for the knowledge of god they had claimed. Religion still burning inside.

    At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones of the citadel.
    At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones of the citadel.
    At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones of the citadel.
    At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones of the citadel.

    As we kill them all so god know his own. The innocents died for the pope on his throne.
    Catholic greed and its paranoid zeal. Curse of the grail and the blood of the cross.

    Templar believers with blood on their hands. Joined in the chorus to kill on command.
    Burned at the stake for their soul's liberty. Still burning heretics under our skies.

    As we kill them all so God WILL know his own. Laugh at the darkness and in God we trust.
    The eye of the triangle smiling with sin. No passover feast for the curse of within.

    Facing the sun as they went to their grave. Burn like a dog or you live like a slave.
    Death is the price for your soul's liberty. To stand with the Cathars and to die and be free.

    At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones of the citadel.
    At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones of the citadel.
    At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones of the citadel.
    At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones of the citadel.
    Mother, did it need to be so high?

  15. #1560
    IL DELITTO PERFETTO NON ESISTE! L'avatar di Hitchcock
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    di Ivano Fossati - interprete Mina

    La ragazza lo sa come non farmi dormire
    La ragazza lo sa e lo sapeva gi

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