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  1. #1
    #trollingeveryday L'avatar di Lex
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    schusa sono scemo
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  2. #2
    #trollingeveryday L'avatar di Lex
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    Jesus as an openly gay man

    What if the newly found codices provided evidence of Jesus's same-sex activity? Michael Ruse imagines the implications

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    * ruse
    o Michael Ruse
    o, Monday 4 April 2011 13.15 BST
    o Article history

    jesus christ gay Jesus Christ as unambiguously and openly gay? Photograph: Corbis
    The question: What would you add to the Bible?

    The most astounding finding from the newly discovered lead codices is that Jesus Christ was unambiguously and openly gay. He and his disciples formed a same-sex coterie, bound by feelings of love and mutual support. There are recorded instances of same-sex activity – the "beloved disciple" plays a significant role – and there is affirmation of the joys of friendship and of living and loving together.

    A whole new complexion is given to that rather puzzling passage where Jesus exhorts his followers to break family ties: "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14, 26). It seems clear now that this is less a negative repudiation of family and more a positive exhortation to join in affirmation of a gay lifestyle and love.

    There is at least one new parable, that of the two young men. There are clear echoes of the relationship between David and Jonathan, for Jesus speaks of one young man having his soul "knit with the soul" of the other, and loving him "as his own soul". Intriguing is evidence that the Catholics might be closer to the truth about the status of Mary, the mother of Jesus, than are the Protestants. She has a much bigger role in the life of Jesus than many hitherto expected, with Jesus frequently returning home and making much of her.

    Conversely, there is at least one incident when Jesus quarrels violently with Joseph, who shows great hostility and makes wild claims about "manliness". Before, one might have thought that, given Mary's virginity, Joseph's attitude was reflecting the ambiguities of his status in the family; but now it seems more probable that we have here a classic example of the Freudian triangle: over-possessive mother, hostile father, gay son.

    Why have we known so little about all of this before? A newly discovered Pauline epistle, appropriately to the Athenians, suggests a major Platonic influence, particularly of the Republic. The classically educated Paul, who was himself gay, saw that same-sex activity was inimical to the success of Christianity in the highly homophobic societies in which he lived. Hence, same-sex affections and activity were concealed, to be known to and practised by only the leaders in secret – the guardians of Christianity as one might say. Obviously, this is a tradition that has flourished and lasted. It is not by chance that John Henry Newman is being made a saint.

    Finally, the most important news is that nothing in the newly discovered codices challenges in any way the essential message of Christianity. Jesus was the messiah; he died on the cross for our sins; and through his death and resurrection made possible our eternal salvation. Our overriding obligation is to love God and we do this by loving our neighbours as ourselves. Christianity will never be the same again. Christianity will go on completely unchanged.
    schusa sono scemo
    si ono che sono scemo
    mi ritengo scemo

  3. #3
    Candle in the wind L'avatar di conogelato
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    Se esiste un moderatore, chiederei un minimo di rispetto per chi crede. Altrimenti ok, rimediero' con una sincera preghiera per Casoncello:
    "Padre perdonalo, perche' non sa' quello che fa"
    amate i vostri nemici

  4. #4
    #trollingeveryday L'avatar di Lex
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    il titolo
    schusa sono scemo
    si ono che sono scemo
    mi ritengo scemo

  5. #5
    Candle in the wind L'avatar di conogelato
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    La tua gentilezza e' squisita.
    amate i vostri nemici

  6. #6
    #trollingeveryday L'avatar di Lex
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    e te non hai detto nulla sulla news per cui sei ot

    speriamo un mod provveda
    schusa sono scemo
    si ono che sono scemo
    mi ritengo scemo

  7. #7
    Opinionista L'avatar di Baboulenka
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    Io sono d'accordo con cono, il titolo andrebbe cambiato. E'decisamente irrispettoso e sicuramente non aiuta il dialogo.

    I solemnly swear that i am up to no good...

  8. #8
    distratta L'avatar di terra
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    sul pero
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da conogelato Visualizza Messaggio
    Se esiste un moderatore, chiederei un minimo di rispetto per chi crede. Altrimenti ok, rimediero' con una sincera preghiera per Casoncello:
    "Padre perdonalo, perche' non sa' quello che fa"
    sono d'accordo sul fatto che il termine "frocio" sia irrispettoso. se il titolo fosse "quell'omosessuale di ges

    Moderatore Arte e letteratura


  9. #9
    Disappointed Idealist L'avatar di Kyra
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    su un piedistallo.
    Perche', di norma esiste un dialogo con chi crede?
    Se esiste, e' perche' non crede abbastanza.
    I'm laying down, eating snow
    My fur is hot, my tongue is cold
    On a bed of spider web
    I think of how to change myself

    A lot of hope in a one man tent
    There's no room for innocence
    So take me home before the storm
    Velvet mites will keep us warm.

  10. #10
    #trollingeveryday L'avatar di Lex
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Baboulenka Visualizza Messaggio
    Io sono d'accordo con cono, il titolo andrebbe cambiato. E'decisamente irrispettoso e sicuramente non aiuta il dialogo.
    per trovare un titolo rispettoso per un cristiano base avrei dovuto mettere "le mille bolle blu" e postare nella news un mini pony, peccato che non ci siano cavalli nei reperti storici

    comunque dai, basta dichiararli scritti apocrifi
    schusa sono scemo
    si ono che sono scemo
    mi ritengo scemo

  11. #11
    Opinionista L'avatar di Baboulenka
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    [QUOTE=terra;1300963]sono d'accordo sul fatto che il termine "frocio" sia irrispettoso. se il titolo fosse "quell'omosessuale di ges

    I solemnly swear that i am up to no good...

  12. #12
    Opinionista L'avatar di Baboulenka
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Casoncello Visualizza Messaggio
    per trovare un titolo rispettoso per un cristiano base avrei dovuto mettere "le mille bolle blu" e postare nella news un mini pony, peccato che non ci siano cavalli nei reperti storici

    comunque dai, basta dichiararli scritti apocrifi
    Oppure avresti potuto mostrare la notizia chiedendo cosa ne pensano i credenti. Mi dispiace Lex, ma molto spesso sei molto intollerante ed

    I solemnly swear that i am up to no good...

  13. #13
    #trollingeveryday L'avatar di Lex
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    al quinto post ho invitato a tornare in topic

    cosa che finora non
    schusa sono scemo
    si ono che sono scemo
    mi ritengo scemo

  14. #14
    Candle in the wind L'avatar di conogelato
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    Ti ringrazio Babou.
    Terra, non e' tanto il titolo del thread quanto il latente disprezzo per la figura del Salvatore e dei Suoi discepoli. Ma sono abituato a ben altro, non c'e' problema.
    amate i vostri nemici

  15. #15
    #trollingeveryday L'avatar di Lex
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    qualcosa in topic?
    schusa sono scemo
    si ono che sono scemo
    mi ritengo scemo

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